Womenpreneur & VINCI Energies Award

Dans le cadre de leur partenariat, Womenpreneur et VINCI Energies organisent une cérémonie de remise de prix pour les étudiantes en master en ingénierie qui se concentrent sur la transition énergétique ou la transformation digitale, deux défis cruciaux pour la société actuelle. Cette initiative vise à célébrer les talents universitaires et à encourager les femmes à poursuivre des carrières dans les filières STEM.

International Women’s Day: #EmbraceEquity

Join the empowering event, “International Women’s Day: #EmbraceEquity,” taking place on Wednesday, 8th March 2023, from 1:30 PM to 7:00 PM, including a dinner buffet, at the Federal Public Service Economy, SMEs, Middle Classes and Energy in Brussels. The event, sponsored by the Cyber Security Coalition and the Federal Public Service Economy, brings together leading industry experts, Mrs. Heli Tiirmaa-Klaar from the Digital Society Institute and Dr. Claudia Peersman from the University of Bristol, who have shattered biases and demonstrated women’s success in cybersecurity.

Mrs. Heli Tiirmaa-Klaar will discuss “Achieving Cyber Stability: Successes and Challenges,” analyzing the efforts of governments, the private sector, and academia to create a secure and trusted cyberspace. The intervention will explore lessons learned from successes and the challenges that remain, emphasizing the role of all stakeholders in building a resilient cyber future.

Dr. Claudia Peersman will present her recent research, “Towards a Human-centred Framework for Evaluating Online Child Protection Tools.” The discussion will shed light on the challenges in protecting children online, focusing on assessing the performance of automated tools with a human-centered perspective, including Human Rights impact, security, fairness, accountability, and disputability.

Two engaging panel discussions will feature representatives from various sectors sharing their organizations’ solutions for positive change. The first panel, “Women in Cyber: (Re)Skilling to empower,” will explore targeted skilling, reskilling, and upskilling to accelerate gender diversity. The second panel, “Women in Cyber: An economic imperative,” will delve into the obstacles hindering diversity and inclusion and strategies to overcome them.

The event is powered by a diverse and passionate project team and will offer ample networking opportunities alongside delicious food and drinks. Don’t miss the chance to gain valuable insights and expand your network. Register now for the in-person event or join via live stream through the provided links.

For more information, contact info@cybersecuritycoalition.be. Embrace equity and be part of this inspiring celebration of International Women’s Day.

  • Date: Wednesday, 8th March 2023, from 1:30 PM to 7:00 PM
  • Location: Federal Public Service Economy, SMEs, Middle Classes and Energy in Brussels

Webinar: Women in Tech

On International Women’s Day, Digitalcity.brussels will host a webinar to get a conversation on the role of women in IT and how to close the gender gap.

She Goes ICT

She goes ICT is an annual event that awards women who have distinguished themselves in the ICT sector.
This year marks the 15th election for the data news ICT woman and ICT lady of the year. Who will take over from Kristel Demotte and Bélise Songa?

  • Date: 16/02/2023 – 18.00h
  • Location: Maison de la Poste (Tour & Taxis)



GIRLEEK is a French non-profit organization dedicated to promoting diversity and gender equality in the technology industry. Founded in 2018, GIRLEEK aims to address the underrepresentation of women in the tech sector and help create a more diverse and inclusive work environment for everyone.

GIRLEEK accomplishes this by offering a range of programs and initiatives designed to support and empower women in technology. These programs include mentorship opportunities, professional development workshops, and networking events, among others. Through these programs, GIRLEEK helps to build a community of women in tech, who can support each other and work together to achieve their professional goals.

One of the key elements of GIRLEEK’s approach is its focus on providing access to role models and mentors. By connecting women in tech with female leaders and industry professionals, GIRLEEK helps to build a network of support and encourage the growth of female representation in the tech sector. The mentorship program provides an opportunity for women to gain valuable insights and advice from experienced professionals, and to build long-term relationships that can support their careers.

In addition to its mentorship program, GIRLEEK also offers a range of professional development workshops and training sessions. These workshops provide participants with the opportunity to build new skills and gain hands-on experience in a supportive and inclusive environment. The workshops cover a wide range of topics, including coding, data science, project management, and more.

GIRLEEK also works to raise awareness about the importance of diversity and gender equality in the tech industry. Through its outreach programs, the organization engages with businesses, organizations, and the wider public, to raise awareness about the challenges facing women in tech and the benefits of a more diverse and inclusive workplace. This helps to build momentum and create a more supportive environment for women in technology.

Another important aspect of GIRLEEK’s work is its commitment to creating opportunities for women in tech. The organization partners with businesses and organizations to provide job and internship opportunities for women, helping to bridge the gap between education and the workforce. These opportunities help to provide women with the skills and experience they need to succeed in their careers and grow their professional networks.

In conclusion, GIRLEEK is a French non-profit organization dedicated to promoting diversity and gender equality in the technology industry. Through its programs, initiatives, and partnerships, GIRLEEK provides support and empowerment to women in tech, helping to create a more inclusive and diverse work environment. The organization’s focus on mentorship, professional development, and job opportunities make it a valuable resource for women in technology, and its commitment to raising awareness about the challenges facing women in tech makes it an important player in promoting diversity and equality in the industry.


Mediawijs is a non-profit organization that works to promote media literacy and digital citizenship among young people in Belgium. The organization was founded with the goal of empowering young people to be responsible and critical users of digital media, and to help them navigate the complex and rapidly-evolving digital landscape.

Mediawijs offers a range of programs and resources to help young people develop their media literacy skills, including workshops, online courses, and resources for teachers and parents. The organization’s curriculum is designed to be engaging and relevant to young people, and is based on the latest research and best practices in the field of media education.

One of the key benefits of Mediawijs’s programs is their focus on digital citizenship. The organization recognizes that young people today are growing up in a world where digital media is a central part of their lives, and works to help them develop the skills they need to be responsible and ethical users of technology. This includes teaching them about online privacy and security, digital citizenship and online safety, and helping them develop critical thinking skills to evaluate the information they encounter online.

In addition to its education program, Mediawijs also provides support and resources to teachers and parents, to help them support young people in their media literacy journey. This includes professional development opportunities, resources for the classroom, and support for families in navigating the digital landscape.

Another important aspect of Mediawijs’s work is its focus on collaboration and partnerships. The organization works closely with a range of stakeholders, including schools, government organizations, and tech companies, to promote media literacy and digital citizenship among young people. This helps to ensure that its programs are relevant and effective, and that they reach as many young people as possible.

One of the key benefits of Mediawijs is its commitment to promoting media literacy and digital citizenship among all young people, regardless of their background or circumstances. The organization recognizes that access to technology and digital media is a crucial aspect of social and economic mobility, and works to ensure that its programs are accessible to everyone, regardless of their background or circumstances. This helps to promote diversity and inclusivity in the tech industry, and helps to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to build the skills they need to succeed in the digital age.

In conclusion, Mediawijs is a non-profit organization that works to promote media literacy and digital citizenship among young people in Belgium. The organization’s goal is to empower young people to be responsible and critical users of digital media, and to help them navigate the complex and rapidly-evolving digital landscape. With its focus on digital citizenship, collaboration, and accessibility, Mediawijs is an excellent resource for young people, teachers, and parents looking to build their media literacy skills and make the most of the digital world.

Be The Change

Be The Change is a program initiated by Agoria, the Belgian federation of technology industries. Agoria represents over 1,200 companies in various sectors such as software, engineering, electronics, and high-tech systems. The organization aims to promote the technological industry and its contributions to the Belgian economy and society. The Be The Change program is one of the initiatives by Agoria to demonstrate the role of technology and innovation in making a positive impact in society. The program is designed to encourage Belgian companies to be more socially responsible and to support local communities in need. The goal of Be The Change is to bring together companies, employees, and volunteers to collaborate and make a difference in the lives of others. One of the key aspects of Be The Change is the encouragement of volunteerism. The program provides a platform for companies to encourage their employees to volunteer and get involved in local community projects. This not only helps to support the community but also provides a sense of fulfillment and purpose to the employees. Companies can participate in various volunteer activities such as mentorship programs, community clean-up projects, and support for local non-profits. Another aspect of Be The Change is the promotion of social entrepreneurship. Agoria works with companies to encourage them to develop socially responsible business models and to support entrepreneurs who are making a positive impact in their communities. The program provides support and resources to these entrepreneurs, such as mentorship, access to funding, and networking opportunities. Agoria also provides support to communities in need through the Be The Change program. The organization collaborates with local non-profits and community organizations to provide resources and support for their initiatives. This includes providing funding for projects, volunteer support, and access to technology and expertise. The Be The Change program has had a positive impact on Belgian communities and has received recognition for its efforts. The initiative has received awards for its contributions to the community and has been recognized for its impact on social entrepreneurship. Companies that have participated in the program have also reported a positive impact on their employees, as the program has encouraged them to become more engaged and socially responsible. In conclusion, Be The Change is a visionary initiative that demonstrates the power of technology and innovation in creating positive change in society. Through its focus on volunteerism, social entrepreneurship, and community support, the program has made a significant impact in Belgian communities and has set a positive example for other companies to follow. By encouraging companies to be more socially responsible and to support local communities, Be The Change is helping to create a better future for all.

Close The Gap

Close The Gap is a global initiative aimed at bridging the digital divide and ensuring that everyone has access to the opportunities and benefits of technology. The initiative was founded with the goal of addressing the unequal distribution of technology and digital resources across the world, and to provide people in underserved communities with the tools and resources they need to succeed in a digital world.

One of the key aspects of Close The Gap is its focus on education and training. The initiative provides people in underserved communities with training and education in key digital skills such as coding, data analysis, and digital marketing. The program is delivered through a combination of online courses, workshops, and hands-on experience, giving people the opportunity to develop a range of skills and knowledge.

Another aspect of Close The Gap is its emphasis on access to technology. The initiative provides people in underserved communities with access to computers, smartphones, and other digital devices, ensuring that they have the tools they need to participate in the digital economy. This is particularly important for people in developing countries who may not have access to the same technology and resources as those in more developed countries.

Close The Gap also provides support for young entrepreneurs. The initiative provides training, mentorship, and access to funding for young entrepreneurs who are working to build digital businesses in underserved communities. This helps to encourage the next generation of digital entrepreneurs and to support their efforts to bring innovative solutions to market.

The impact of Close The Gap has been significant, with many people in underserved communities reporting that the initiative has helped them to develop valuable skills and to gain experience in the digital sector. The initiative has also helped to bridge the digital divide and to provide people in underserved communities with the tools and resources they need to succeed in a rapidly changing job market.

In conclusion, Close The Gap is a valuable initiative that is helping to bridge the digital divide and ensure that everyone has access to the opportunities and benefits of technology. The initiative’s focus on education and training, access to technology, and support for young entrepreneurs is helping to provide people in underserved communities with the tools and resources they need to succeed in a digital world. By working to close the gap and to ensure that everyone has access to technology, Close The Gap is helping to create a better and more equitable future for all.


In our transforming society lack of digital skills in the elderly population is synonymous to social isolation; inability to access information and services, including health services; loss of autonomy; and an increased sense of inadaptability. ICTSkills4All – Empowering old citizens for a digital world aimed at fostering digital skills, self-confidence and online safety of old adults aged 55 years and over who have minimal or no engagement with digital technology. In order to do so, the ICTSkills4All project had developed an ICT Learning Programme, which included:

  • A dedicated online platform with information, training tools and resources addressed to those who have low digital skills;
  • Face-to-face support using the inter-generational and peer-to-peer approach addressed for those who have no digital skills. The aim of this phase was to provide these people with the basic digital skills that allow them to access the platform.
  • the inter-generational approach, where university students help the elderly;
  • the peer-to-peer approach, where the elderly with no digital skills are assisted by colleagues with more skills. The pilot activities took place in four partner countries: Portugal, UK, Latvia and Poland

European Cybersecurity Month

The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) is partnering with the Commission and Member States in carrying out #CyberSecMonth: the EU’s annual campaign dedicated to promoting cybersecurity among EU citizens and organisations and providing up-to-date online security information through awareness raising activities and sharing of good practices.

Be Digital Together

STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering & Math.

Nothing that you associate with girls. And nothing that girls associate with girls either.
Current prejudices that we want to get rid of. Because the sector is not attractive to young women and has a high turnover. That’s why the influx of talented women must be improved, and the outflow of new role models must be greater.
Role models like Nabila – Young ICT Lady of the Year 2023 – have proven that it’s possible! Things can change! The future is digital – and diverse. As supporting players, we focus on activation, representation and inclusiveness.



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Target audience

Digital technology / specialisation

Digital skill level

Geographic Scope - Country

  • Non-EU

Type of initiative

EU institutional initiative

Industry - Field of Education and Training

Link text

Link Type

Organization url