IBM SkillsBuild – Professional skills Free learning and resources

We all know technical skills are important. But professional skills are just as important if you want to succeed in your future career. Critical thinking, collaboration, problem solving, flexibility—these are skills that every company looks for in its employees. Build these skills with our free courses and earn a badge you can add to your resume or LinkedIn.

IBM SkillsBuild – Quantum computing Free learning and resources

Quantum computing uses quantum mechanics to solve really complex problems—the types of problems today’s supercomputers can’t handle. It has the potential to lead to major breakthroughs in fields like medicine and finance, allowing us to diagnose illnesses sooner or live better in retirement. Deepen your understanding of this revolutionary field with our free course and resources.

IBM SkillsBuild – Cybersecurity Free learning and resources

We’re connected to the internet constantly. And every online interaction creates information. But what happens to it? How do we know that the personal information stored on our devices is safe? How do huge companies that are collecting our information protect it? Learn the basics of cybersecurity and why it’s such a growing career field, while building skills and insights into the world of digital security.

CodeCosmos: Leer kinderen programmeren met Scratch en Minecraft Education

Onze missie is om de digitale vaardigheden van kinderen te stimuleren door hen “computationeel denken” te leren. Zo verwerven kinderen met onze lessen kritische digi-skills die ze nodig hebben in deze digitaliserende maatschappij. Met aantrekkelijke, verhalende en theoretisch onderbouwde leerpaden in Scratch en Minecraft Education bieden we kinderen tussen 10 en 14 jaar een geweldige programmeerervaring. Onze leertrajecten zijn geschikt voor scholen of voor kinderen die thuis aan de slag willen gaan.

Codecosmos: teaching children programming with Scratch and Minecraft Education

Our mission is to stimulate children’s digital skills by teaching them computational thinking. In this way, our lessons help children acquire the critical digi-skills they need in this digitising society. With attractive, narrative and theoretically sound learning paths in Scratch and Minecraft Education, we offer children between the ages of 10 and 14 a fantastic programming experience. Our learning paths are designed for schools or children who want to work at home.

CodeFever: programmeren in Python

Leer programmeren in de meest gebruikte programmeertaal: Python. CodeFever vzw biedt programmeerlessen aan voor kinderen en jongeren via leuke oefeningen, duidelijke instructies en professionele IT-leerkrachten. Ze doorlopen een vervolgtraject in Scratch, Minecraft, CSS/Javascript/HTML, Python en cybersecurity.

CodeFever: cybersecurity

In de Anonymous lessenreeks leren de jongeren cyberaanvallen uitvoeren door middel van enumeratie, web en netwerk exploits, OSINT en malware op een verantwoordelijke manier. Daarnaast worden ook nog basisconcepten uitgelegd die nodig zijn om alle bovenvermelde zaken te kunnen beheren zoals computernetwerken, het http-protocol, webservers en Linux-besturingssystemen.

IBM SkillsBuild – Learn Artificial intelligence Free online courses and resources

You’ve probably heard about the artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms that power your favorite apps with data science and deep learning techniques. But how much do you really know about how AI works or how it’s changing the world around us? Learn the basics of this technology, which has the potential to change every single job in the near future, and start building your skills with these free courses.

IBM SkillsBuild – Cloud computing Free learning and resources

You know how a lot of the stuff on your phone isn’t actually on your phone? That’s right—all those photos and Spotify playlists are actually on the “cloud”. But what, exactly, is the cloud? Explore our cloud computing courses and deepen your understanding of this massive, mysterious library in the sky that powers so much of our world.

IBM SkillsBuild – Blockchain Free learning and resources

Ever heard of Bitcoin? Well, blockchain is the technology that makes Bitcoin possible. It’s a super fast-growing technology that has huge potential to change how all of our data and transactions are stored. Learn about blockchain and how it might impact your life in the near future with these free courses and resources.