e-Sia learning – Pre-programming

In deze module leren deelnemers alles wat je moet weten vooraleer je gaat coderen. Vergroot je kans op succes bij het leren coderen en bij de communicatie met ontwikkelaars. Begrijp de grondbeginselen van hoe computers werken en hoe dat verband houdt met moderne webtechnologie. De 8 basisbegrippen van programmeren begrijpen en toepassen

IBM SkillsBuild – Data science Free learning and resources

Over five billion people around the world are online these days. And we’re all creating tons of data every time we do a google search or open an app. But what happens to that data? How do companies make use of it to grow their business? What do you need to know to be a more informed consumer? Explore these questions and get answers in our free data science courses.

IBM SkillsBuild – Intro to emerging technologies Free learning and resources

Curious about tech but not sure where to focus? Start with this introduction to six emerging technologies powering today’s jobs: AI, blockchain, cloud computing, cybersecurity, data and analytics, and the Internet of Things (IoT). You’ll learn a little about each—like foundational concepts, terminology, and applications. Then you can decide where you want to go deeper.

e-Sia Learning – Genius digital

Genius digital behandelt de belangrijkste concepten en vaardigheden die nodig zijn om apparaten en toepassingen veilig, beveiligd en effectief te gebruiken. Genius digital geeft werknemers de vaardigheden die ze nodig hebben om apparaten op de juiste manier te gebruiken.

IBM SkillsBuild – Agile Free learning and resources

“Agile” is a term you’ll hear often in the workplace. It’s a methodology that’s changing how people work—for the better. Agile allows you to create and respond to change, and to deal with and succeed in uncertain environments. And if you can master it, you’ll be way ahead of the curve.

e-Sia Learning – Computer essentials

Deze module is geschikt voor wie computers gebruikt om specifieke taken uit te voeren, maar ook als basis voor het ontwikkelen van verdere competenties in het effectief gebruik van technologie op de werkplek.

IBM – SkillsBuild – Mindfulness Free learning and resources

Did you know mindfulness can reduce stress, lower anxiety, increase joy, build resilience, and enhance your ability to learn? We teamed up with experts from the University of Oxford Mindfulness Centre to bring you learning that’ll help you understand mindfulness concepts and techniques, develop focus and self-awareness, and learn how to apply mindfulness practices in your daily life.

IBM SkillsBuild – Free Principles of design course

Unlock your design and creativity skills

Are you a visual person? Do you have an eye for color and patterns? Come explore the world of design! We’ve partnered with Adobe to bring you this Principles of Design course where you can learn the basics and ignite your creative side. Let’s go!