IT Student Challenge Belgium 2024




The IT Student Challenge Belgium is a quiz designed to inspire creative and dynamic computer science students located in Belgium.  The sponsors are Cisco, NTT, Computacenter and Interligo !


The first round is played online. 

Registration is free and open during the entire duration of the Challenge.


Rules of the challenge

Select one of the three challenge flavours (sub-challenge) :

  • Software engineering flavour
  • Network & Infrastructure flavour
  • Cybersecurity flavour

Each sub-challenge has a different set of questions and a majority of questions in the flavour topic!

You can participate in more than one sub-challenge!


Click here to register and participate

The challenge is running on a secure Belgian IT Challenges community platform:

Digitalize Flanders

Digitalize Flanders: Your Path to Digital Success!

80 Exhibitors: Explore the finest digital tools, from invoicing to payroll management.

30 Conferences: Learn how digitization accelerates business growth.

2,000 Visitors: Join the Digitalize community for unparalleled networking.

Don’t miss your chance to thrive in the digital era!

Generative AI Summit

The potential of Generative AI is fueling an unparalleled amount of investment and enthusiasm. Companies globally are investing in this technology, while innovators are investigating a vast array of potential applications. However, some concerns have arisen regarding the accuracy of the output or “hallucinations,” copyright infringement, fraudulent use, and the role of humans in a world that is increasingly centered around AI.

Partner for DIGITAL Skills 3: Infoday and pitching event

The third round of DIGITAL Europe Programme calls has now been published, with up to 56 million euros to design

  • Bachelor’s and Master’s courses in digital domains such as cybersecurity, internet of things, blockchain, artificial intelligence, etc.
  • Multi-disciplinary courses empowering professionals in non-ICT sectors with digital skills.

Are you a higher education institution, a research and excellence centre or an innovative business developing digital technologies? You now have the opportunity to partner-up and design courses and programmes to expand the European education offer in strategic digital domains!

  • Date: 20/10/2022
  • Location: virtual live

Het Europees Jaar van de vaardigheden en de rol van open data daarin

De data.europa academy is het online leerplatform van de Europese Commissie dat unieke toegang biedt tot allerlei open gegevensleermiddelen. Het wordt gehost door, het officiële portaal voor Europese gegevens.

De data.europa-academy nodigt u uit om deel te nemen aan het komende webinar, „Het Europees Jaar van vaardigheden en de rol van open data daarin”, op 31 maart om 10: 00-11: 30 MET.

Door het online-evenement te volgen, zult u:

  • Ontdek wat het Europees Jaar van de vaardigheden betekent voor de open datagemeenschap,
  • Bekijk de instrumenten en platforms die beschikbaar zijn om uw datageletterdheid bij te scholen.
  • Lees hoe de data.europa academy een waardevolle bron kan zijn voor het vinden van materiaal over juridische normen, technische richtsnoeren, economisch onderzoek enz.

De panelleden van de platforms voor digitale vaardigheden en banen, de taskforce „Big Data Value Association” en het Italiaanse nationale dataportaal zullen verschillende soorten initiatieven op het gebied van digitaal leren en dataleren delen en de potentiële trends op het gebied van digitale bijscholing bespreken, samen met de uitdagingen en kansen ervan.  

Wilt u deelnemen aan het webinar? U kunt zich inschrijven via het volgende inschrijvingsformulier.

All Digital Weeks 2023

From April 17th to May 7th, 2023, ALL DIGITAL Weeks 2023 will take place over a span of three weeks. The campaign has gained the support of the European Commission, and will involve partners from both international and national levels, as well as participating organizations throughout Europe. The campaign’s primary focus is to promote the European Year of Skills, which has been endorsed by the European Commission. Its actions will revolve around the motto “Enhance your digital skills,” which encourages all European citizens to acquire new skills, whether basic or advanced, to confidently face digital transformation.

The ALL DIGITAL Weeks 2023 campaign aims to showcase the importance of providing digital tools and skills to all European citizens, regardless of their background or status. It plans to achieve this by organizing online and offline events and training sessions, supporting all population groups in their digital transformation journeys.

The campaign will also aid in implementing specific actions of the Digital Education Action Plan 2021-27, which aims to enhance digital skills and competencies for the digital transformation. In addition, the campaign will present various EU projects where ALL DIGITAL is involved, aiming to increase their visibility across Europe.

THE FACTORY organisé par XR4Heritage

Organisé par Stereopsia, cet événement captivant se déroule pendant le BRIGHT FESTIVAL, le prestigieux festival des lumières de la région Bruxelles-Capitale. Il rassemble des professionnels du tourisme, des industries culturelles et créatives, ainsi que des studios et fournisseurs de solutions XR-IA-WEB3 durables et novatrices, tous déterminés à valoriser et préserver le patrimoine mondial de l’humanité.

Le programme offre une variété d’activités passionnantes :

  1. LE DISCOVERY TOUR (Du 14 au 16 février – payant) : Des visites culturelles et des rencontres d’affaires pour faciliter les échanges et les collaborations entre les acteurs belges et internationaux du tourisme, de la culture et des nouvelles technologies. Les visites auront lieu à Mons (GAME & PATRIMOINE), Charleroi (IA & ARCHIVES) et Gand (WEB3 & TOURISME).
  2. LA CONFÉRENCE (17 février – gratuit) : Une journée riche en contenu, de 10h à 17h, avec la participation de nombreux experts francophones (belges, tunisiens, québécois, etc.), ainsi qu’un webinar organisé par XR4Europe en anglais. La conférence portera sur le thème des outils XR-IA-WEB3 au service du patrimoine en péril, disparu et à revisiter. Elle explorera les nouvelles technologies permettant de revisiter le passé, de questionner le présent et d’imaginer des futurs souhaitables.
  3. LES ÉVÉNEMENTS B2B (17 février – payant) : Une opportunité unique de développer votre réseau professionnel, de promouvoir vos produits et d’assister à des démonstrations et performances uniques. Les événements B2B comprennent un déjeuner et/ou un after-work pour les détenteurs de tickets correspondants. Vous pourrez participer au meet-up XR-IA-WEB3 Culture & Tourisme lors du déjeuner, puis au cocktail dînatoire suivi d’un after-work immersif.

L’événement est soutenu par Visit.Brussels, Innoviris, la Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles, WBI,, la Délégation générale du Québec à Bruxelles, l’Ambassade de France en Belgique et la Police fédérale. Il est sponsorisé par PANASONIC et co-organisé par de nombreuses organisations partenaires telles que Stereopsia EUROPE, Technocité, Euromersive, Gatherverse, URBART, BXL ART NFT, UpArt, KIF, UCLouvain, MIIL, KIF, INTAJ212, BE GREATOR, Poolpio, Popular, acegood, Silver Ray, XR4Europe, XRValley, Tof Agency, Living Lab et Visit.Flanders.

Pour plus d’informations et le programme détaillé de l’événement, veuillez consulter le site Web officiel :

Ne manquez pas cette occasion exceptionnelle de plonger dans l’univers fascinant des outils XR-IA-WEB3 au service du patrimoine mondial et de contribuer à façonner un avenir durable et innovant pour notre précieux héritage culturel.


Het aanleren van programmeervaardigheden vergroot ons begrip van de snel veranderende wereld om ons heen, verbetert onze kennis van de werking van technologie en ontwikkelt vaardigheden en capaciteiten om nieuwe ideeën te ontdekken en te innoveren.

De European AI Week 2023

Ervaar een week vol ontdekkingen over de impact en het potentieel van AI (en andere technologieën) op jouw persoonlijke en professionele leven, zowel nu als in de toekomst.

Laat je inspireren door boeiende (gratis) lezingen, workshops, nieuwe onderzoeksperspectieven, publicaties en debatten.

Tijdens deze week brengen België, zijn regio’s en diverse Europese partners uit verschillende sectoren alle belangrijke spelers, instellingen en burgers samen in een bottom-up en co-creatieve dynamiek.

Iedereen krijgt de kans om de fascinerende mogelijkheden van artificiële intelligentie en andere digitale technologieën die reeds in ons dagelijks leven aanwezig zijn, te ontdekken.

Will you be rewarded with one of Belgium’s Cyber Security Awards?


Belgium’s Cyber Security Awards opens for entries. This year, we have expanded the Awards programme to include three new categories: in addition to the Cyber Security Personality of the Year, we will also recognize the best performing CISO, Young Professional, and Educator/ Researcher of the Year. Will you be rewarded one of Belgium’s Cyber Security Awards? Apply now!

XR4education: info & networking event by XRvalley & edtechstation

The Education and Training Committee of XRvalley, in collaboration with edtechstation, is hosting an engaging evening at Sett Ghent. The event will feature keynote speeches, testimonials, demos, and a networking mixer, all centered around the application of XR technology in education. Attendees will have the opportunity to experience live demos of XR applications from SupportSquare, Altheria, Howest Woodcraft VR, ULiA, and OneBonsai.

This event will also serve as the second meetup for the XRvalley Education and Training Committee.

Unwrapping the Digital Divide Episode 4 – Lightning Talks: Art and digital (in)equity: How can art be leveraged for digital inclusion?

We are excited to announce that DigiCo is restarting the  “Unwrapping the Digital Divide”  webinar series with  Episode 4 – Lightning Talks: Art and digital (in)equity: How can art be leveraged for digital inclusion?
In this engaging session, Dr. Alicja Pawluczuk, Digital Inclusion Expert & Researcher at INCLUDE+ Network at the University of Leeds, will explore the transformative roles of participatory art and experiential learning in digital equity community practice and research. The Lightning Talk aims to challenge, reshape, and enrich our understanding of digital inclusivity through artistic approaches.
Date: 7th May
Time: 12:00 – 12:40 (CEST)
Platform: Zoom – registration required
Don’t miss out on this fantastic opportunity to expand your knowledge and engage with like-minded professionals. Secure your spot by registering at the following link:
We look forward to your participation and lively discussions during the webinar. Feel free to share this invitation with colleagues who might be interested in joining us for this enlightening session!


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The Digital Collective (DigiCo)

Public cible

Technologie numérique / spécialisation

Niveau de compétence numérique

Geographic Scope - Country

  • Pays tiers

Type D’initiative

Initiative institutionnelle de l’UE

Industry - Field of Education and Training